
The Root’s Clapback Mailbag: Math | The Root

Remember the Clapback day, to keep it holy. Five days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work: But...

Remember the Clapback day, to keep it holy. Five days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work: But the Friday is the Clapback Day of the Root, thy website. In it, though shalt respond to the emails tweets and DMs ye received.

All week, wypipo raised all holy hell. And on Fridays, we shalt clap back at all that is within thy gates.

So shall it be.

Our first item comes from one of the comments on Anne Branigin’s article on Melania Trump and her “Be Best” campaign.

Click to read the full article at The Root

Written by Michael Harriot
World-renowned wypipologist. Getter and doer of "it." Never reneged, never will. Last real negus alive. [The Wriit-created profile was established to offer the proper attribution & credit for the featured Writer. The profile was created by Wriit and does not reflect the Writer’s association with the publication, and may be updated (claimed) by the Writer upon request.] Profile


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