So according to this listing on Amazon, your book is set to be released on March 26—which is a week from today!
Crazy right?
Are you excited yet?
“Excited” is a word that exists. Unfortunately, it is not a word I’d use to encapsulate my feelings about this. Anxious, sweaty, and scared shitless are much more apt. Terrified works too if you’re a socialist. Maybe excited will get here eventually, but it’s taking its time. Excited is taking the scenic route. Excited is taking a nap at a rest stop right now.
Well, there’s just a collection of converging anxieties about this entire process. Most notably, I (obviously) want the book to be successful—for people to buyand enjoy and sit with and feel and BUY it. (Did I say BUY? Just making sure I said BUY.)…
[Featured Image: Illustration: Mark Scheibmayr]